#OnceUponATime is Socially Inclined?!

Websites whether fan made or official pop up all over the place for subjects, books, comics, movies and especially tv shows. That case is definitely true for the ABC shoe Once Upon A Time. You can type into google and a bunch of websites will pop up like I talked about in my last blog post. Also in my last blog post I started exploring the social media sites related to my hashtag Once Upon A Time. I mentioned Twitter as well as Facebook. These two sites would have to be at the top of the social media sites with the most activity. As I did some exploring online I came up with three other social media sites revolved around the show: Instagram, Pinterest, and Tumblr.

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Though these sites are extremely similar there are some slight differences between them. On the official Once Instagram page this is one of the main sites for photos and banners and videos. Though the site is similar to Twitter there is a little more freedom. Photos that are natural and man manipulated are posted as well as videos from the show with captions and hashtags and emoticons. A lot of your favorite moments can be found on this site.

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Now for the official Once Pinterest page this is also a social media site dedicated to photo sharing. With Pinterest though the difference is that there are boards that pinners create to post specific things as different categories. Photos, Quotes, fan art, photo ops from conventions, etc. plus boards dedicated to the storybook characters themselves. Each board tells their own story in a way the pinner wants.

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Last there’s the official Tumblr page this is similar to both Instagram and Pinterest with photos and gifs related to the show. The small differences are the polls and trivia that pops up on the site every once in awhile. Plus different galleries dedicated to characters. Now one thing all three of these sites have in common besides being photo sharing and social media is that they all connect to each other. You can post on one site then pin it to Pinterest, share it to Twitter or Facebook, etc. What’s fabulous about all of these sites is the photos, gifs, videos, and info related to your favorite show dedicated to fairy tales. The fans can even send their own created fan art to be posted to these sites.

As always you can reach me at @CorrineValente.

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